onsdag 27 januari 2010

JFokus sound bites

Yesterday's journey to JFokus was fraught with difficulties (signal failure, accident, snow storm) but it was worth the journey.

Here are some sound bites I jotted down (freely translated where necessary):

That which is normal isn't always best (think royal family).

On certification: Outsourced competence judgement

On developing systems:
Everything we do, we do for the first time. Otherwise we're doing it wrongly and should be using existing components.
... which is why Gantt charts never work. You can't predict the unpredictable.

best practices proven practices

Certification again: sheep dip training

Scrumitis - done doesn't mean done done

white water rafting (doing scrum in a waterfall way)

come back when you're doing one week sprints (on scrum coaching)

On average all stories are average size. (track stories not hours)

Get good at stories (key to succeeding in scrum)

Write small stories - all stories should be size 1.

You get what you measure (dangers of focusing on metrics)

Let the architects work directly with the teams as consultants.

Hundreds of bug fixes (Maven 3)

Give positive feedback in a 5:1 ratio to negative feedback.

Create an environment for creating something new (on leadership)

Freedom leads to creativity.

Leadership cannot be separated from the situation. Nobody can be a great leader in all situations.

Information which has value is knowledge.